


葉酸(Folic acid)的主要功能是參與細胞中單碳循環的代謝、血紅素的合成、參與核酸的合成等等,此外葉酸還能避免同半胱胺酸的堆積因此可以保護心血管!


1. 孕婦:葉酸需求增加
2. 酗酒的人:有研究指出每天攝取240ml的紅酒或80ml的vodka長達兩週後,體內的葉酸濃度會有顯著的下降
3. 疾病造成吸收不良:熱帶性口炎腹瀉(tropical sprue)、乳糜瀉(celiac disease)……
4. 服用某些藥物:
phenytoin (Dilantin); methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall); nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Macrobid); pyrimethamine (Daraprim); tetracycline (Ala-Tet, Brodspec, Sumycin); a barbiturate such as butabarbital (Butisol), secobarbital (Seconal), pentobarbital (Nembutal), or phenobarbital (Solfoton); or seizure medication such as phenytoin (Dilantin) or primidone (Mysoline).


1. 虛弱
2. 腹瀉
3. 貧血
4. 胎兒神經管缺陷 


* 葉酸攝取過多的話可能會...
1. 疲憊
2. 專注力下降
3. 掩蓋vit B12 缺乏的症狀
4. NK細胞活性降低進而導致免疫力下降
5. 可能干擾鋅的代謝,鋅的缺乏容易導致胎兒的發育遲緩
6. 若孕婦攝取太多葉酸會造成寶寶日後發生自閉症的風險提高


* 葉酸攝取量:
(準備懷孕的婦女在懷孕前就要開始服用葉酸 400μg/day,孕婦 600μg/day,哺乳期500μg/day)


*葉酸食物來源:全穀類、深綠色蔬菜、 瘦肉、黃豆製品、柑橘等



1. Clarke R, Halsey J, Lewington S, Lonn E, Armitage J, Manson JE, et al. (2010). Effects of lowering homocysteine levels with B vitamins on cardiovascular disease, cancer, and cause-specific mortality: Meta-analysis of 8 randomized trials involving 37 485 individuals. Arch Intern Med 170(18): 1622-1631.

2. Carmel R (2005). Folic Acid. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. M. Shils, M. Shike, A. Ross, B. Caballero and R. Cousins. Baltimore, MD, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: 470-481.

3. Glória L, Cravo M, Camilo ME, Resende M, Cardoso JN, Oliveira AG, et al. (1997). Nutritional deficiencies in chronic alcoholics: relation to dietary intake and alcohol consumption. Am J Gastroenterol 92(3): 485-489.

4. Gibson A, Woodside JV, Young IS, Sharpe PC, Mercer C, Patterson CC, et al. (2008). Alcohol increases homocysteine and reduces B vitamin concentration in healthy male volunteers–a randomized, crossover intervention study. QJM 101(11): 881-887.

5. Institute of Medicine. Food and Nutrition Board (1998). Dietary Reference Intakes: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.

6. Rader JI, Schneeman BO (2006). Prevalence of neural tube defects, folate status, and folate fortification of enriched cereal-grain products in the United States. Pediatrics 117(4): 1394-1399

7. Tufts University, Health Sciences Campus. High folic acid intake in aged mice causes a lowered immune response.January 11, 2016.

8. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Too much folate in pregnant women increases risk for autism, study suggests. May 11, 2016

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    廖誼青營養師 (Yi-Ching Liaw)

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